The role of graphic design in architecture
Graphic Designers & Architects, what collaborations are possible?

Many similarities exist between graphic design & architecture; for a start, their common history.
We speak of the architecture/structure of a page, a book or a typeface.
The graphic designer can also be an asset in the global development & thinking behind a project. It can modulate or influence our perception of space & the approach we have in inhabiting it.
“Constructeurs de la page ou de l’espace urbain, graphistes et architectes ont, finalement, dans le mot, bien plus que la maquette en partage.”
ETAPES N° 195 – Quelque part entre graphisme et architecture
In a series of conferences, titled Creative Affinities, Pietri Architectes, spoke of their La Porte Bleue project, in Marseille. The logo had been drawn long before the shape of the building was to be defined.
From the start, in their process, graphical elements were intimately linked to the building.

“Mon travail consiste aussi à rendre le graphisme invisible en quelque sorte. Il doit s’intégrer parfaitement à l’architecture. La signalétique, par exemple, doit se fondre au bâtiment et parfaitement l’épouser. “
Marie Philippe – Designer graphique pour Pietri Architectes

Integrating Graphic Design in the Building
The signage system developed for Les Bains des Docks was born from the will to maintain the space as pure & clean as possible, without adding superfluous materials.
A play within the overall tiling of the space was developed as a system. Each grout separation tracing the letters, numbers & symbols. The typeface is therefore a product of the building’s interior architecture.

Personalization of Space with Graphic Design
Gilles de Brock is one of many graphic designers pushing the boundaries of what’s possible; questioning the limits of mediums & mixing technology and craftsmanship.
de Brock has developed a numerical input machine to create personalized ceramic tiles. Many institutions have since used his unique creations to adapt their space to their visual identity.